Monday, April 18, 2011

blog 12

Intellectual property. the idea that an idea from someones mind is theirs solely and cannot be re-submitted as their own work. Lessig finds this idea problematic because it will restrict people from being fully creative.
Another similarity i found was that both found that copyright is very dated and it provides a new set of problems in a modern collaborative era. Copyright is a successful concept but it has now taken a new form that protects major corp from usually small business or a single individual.
Both deal with very similar concepts. it seems that both have not fully given up on the topics they argue for or against. it seems that it is a matter of slight variation in certain policies that make the rich richer. in a increasingly digital world that changes as quickly as it is growing, it seems necessary that adjustments be made and that is what i think they are both ultimately arguing.

blog 11

Lessig defines an economy as "a system in which “something” is exchanged with another for “something” given in return" p. 117. The main fundamental difference is that a commercial economy runs on money, whereas a sharing economy is placed on collaboration and growth the specific thing being shard. A commercial economy follows set of rules and principles that are governed and expected to be followed. From this explanation it would seem that a sharing economy is much better than a commercial. but this is not true, both provide various pros and cons. it is highly influenced by the purpose of the exchange.