Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog #2

Firstly, the prologue. I really thought the analogy of the Staples store to the digital world was very interesting. I always thought it was interesting how stores, especially grocery stores organized their product. How everything you always needed was in the very back and how this is different to the Staples model which places popular products in the front of the store.
Chapter 1 continues with the Staples example by providing various other types of ways in which we categorize and organize information and physical items to fit purpose and cut time and cost. Like what constitutes a spice, how we make a table for a meal, or why a CD with numerous tracks was developed. I thought the section on Bill Gates purchasing the Bettmann archive was very interesting. Gates is the man.
Chapter 2, when we are introduced to Mortimer Adler, I thought it was interesting that the Encyclopedia Britannica was disputed based on order and that doing it alphabetically was a problem and was debated. Than arranging by category would also be problematic. Than Samuel Taylor Coleridge discussed the five major category breakdown, which I though made sense.
The example that I came up with for how I personally organize something is at the very beginning of the semester I clean out my computer and create folders for every one of my new courses. I also place bookmarks for all my courses on my Internet browser so I have an easier time getting to the course website more quickly.


  1. I have found that putting class bookmarks in chrome bookmark bar has caused me to be more interested in following the sites. Because it sits next to all of the entertainment sites I peruse daily, It is always in sight to check out. And since most of us check facebook out of boredom, we might stumble onto a class site even more often.

  2. It is true that putting a class bookmark on your browser helps stay organized. I find that it not only helps me know what is going on in class but for some reason it helps me keep my homework and schedule in order. I agree with what David said, it is easier to check your class website, then to log on to facebook, and in a way, that provides a sense of order, in that you are using your time productively. It is cool that you like the staples example, I found it interesting as well.

  3. I also found the Bill Gates purchase of the Bettmann’s Archive photographs was cool. I had to research it to find out more about it. I enjoy history I wish I could visit this place. I bet is a few hundred dollars to go to this place and a few thousand to purchase a digital copy of this stuff from the negatives.
    I also organized my classes and placed bookmarks on my web browser to navigate from class to class. It makes things a lot easier than re-typing the website every time I need to go to the class website. Organization is everything now in our society the more organized we are the better we are off the next day and the better we move in our society. I find it very hard to be organized sometimes but I do my best.

  4. I also found that whole alphabet issue was quite interesting. I never really thought that there was a issue with it, but to hear that people really loathed organization based off of it was a surprise. Although if you think about it there is no logical explanation for how the alphabet is ordered.

  5. Overall a good post. A tip: take a look at the things I encourage you to pay attention to when reading (it's on the schedule). I'm usually trying to call your attention to some of the key points in order to make your reading experience a bit easier.
